Archive for the ‘WIP’ category

Eye-deas for Cantata

January 13th, 2014

Cute, eh? Someone asked me if have a playlist I write to. Kind of. But putting it together would be a little bit of a pain at the moment. Instead, let me offer this… Some visuals, inspiration for much, much later in the story. I’ve been saving links and images locally (compiled into Scriv), but […]

Aw, shucks

January 12th, 2014

I didn’t mean for the update on Ashwinder to get posted so quickly. Hard to predict who quickly things will get through moderation. Throws my production routine off.  >.< No matter. The world won’t burn.

I’ve been mulling over a few comments on Cantata about how self-absorbed Hermione seems to be. At first, I thought maybe I’d overdone what I’m trying to express — I won’t rule that out — but I think the issue lies elsewhere. I’d read an article about how readers often apply the “friend” concept to […]

Serials revisited

January 10th, 2014

First, a quick word. I’m limiting myself to 200-300 word posts as an exercise in conciseness. I really should try drabbles. The morning presentation at the RWA meeting on 4 Jan was about ebook serials. Not quite the same as a weekly update like what I’m trying to maintain for Cantata, but more of a […]