Archive for the ‘42’ category

Bossy little know-it-all

March 14th, 2014

“Bossy” per se is not the problem: the problem is that we still see power and authority as male prerogatives, and women who aspire to them as unwomanly, unlikeable, and bad. If “bossy” could actually vanish off the face of the earth, a wealth of similar expressions would fill the gap: ambitious, pushy, shrill, strident, […]

A favorite cartoon

March 7th, 2014

Works both ways. Keeps us all sane. Next time I decide to do 8 meetings in a day, someone whack me.

Respectfully speaking….

March 6th, 2014

Y’all have officially ruined me, what with your correcting of my accent and stuff. I’m reading a Regency romance, set in London, written by an American (you know where this is going). Was enjoying it even, thank you very much, until I came across the word “gotten” in dialogue. BOING! Yeah. Thanks, ever so. Really. […]

A ship

March 5th, 2014

Commercial art

March 5th, 2014

My second job was as a commercial artist. I worked at the municipal library as the staff artist. My job was to move books, and I did. Some of the librarians weren’t certain of my aesthetics at first, but when they started having real problems keeping the display shelves full, they backed off and let […]