Archive for the ‘PreviouslyOnLiveJournal’ category

I’ve been fighting with Scriv mucking up my curly quotes, especially at the end of sentences after an em-dash. My workflow for my beta is to export a section from Scriv to a Word (.doc) format.  I never noticed the problem when I was using OpenOffice, but then I was also NOT compiling several scenes […]

2 week countdown

April 24th, 2014

For a new Cantata chapter on Ashwinder and AO3.

I haven’t blogged for three years. I maintained a blog on my privately owned and managed site for several years, from 2006 to 2010, when I just got too busy. Before that, I had both LJ and Blogger blogs, under different names, for different reasons. In the time since I had a LJ account (probably […]