I just posted my last chapter on both Ashwinder and AO3. The hiatus is now in effect.
I feel like I’ve just announced the end-of-year code freeze. I’m doing the right thing. I know it through & through — but I’m still glum about it. As nerve-wracking as the whole weekly thing had become, there was a rush to it that made it worthwhile.
I met with a writer friend Saturday. We plotted, discussed, commiserated. She’s revising a novel and got a call from buddy Friday night. Her buddy is friends with an editor with the ebook division of Harlequin (now, don’t look like that, it’ll stick). Turns out there’s apparently a shortage of well-written paranormal romance, and vamps and wolves are finally running their course. My friend writes elementals. So…things sound good. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for her.
It was just a reminder of how much I need to wrap Cantata. I won’t rest easy until it’s done. I can’t work on my original stuff until it’s done (I tried, too). It’s a matter of personal pride, on some level.
Anyway. Bonus vids of happiness after the jump.