Not sane

March 9th, 2014

Nope. Not. I’m diagramming my GMC for Cantata. Ah, agony. So, let us write a synopsis. Recall that I suck at synopses. Yes. WTF. What a mess. I’m a lunatic. Look, this thing is all over. Admit it. I will fail. Embrace failure. Through failure, we grow. It will be spectacular. Sadly, I haven’t been […]

A favorite cartoon

March 7th, 2014

Works both ways. Keeps us all sane. Next time I decide to do 8 meetings in a day, someone whack me.

GMC, for Mun42

March 6th, 2014

How’s that for calling you out, Mun42? Angela’s class isn’t the first place I encountered the concept of GMC. It’s mentioned on page 10 of Writing with Emotion, Tension, & Conflict, with an order to get it and read it. After I started reading Angela’s lessons, I realized I was being prodded in that direction […]

Respectfully speaking….

March 6th, 2014

Y’all have officially ruined me, what with your correcting of my accent and stuff. I’m reading a Regency romance, set in London, written by an American (you know where this is going). Was enjoying it even, thank you very much, until I came across the word “gotten” in dialogue. BOING! Yeah. Thanks, ever so. Really. […]

A ship

March 5th, 2014